
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 20, 2021

python basic programs for beigners


#Toady what i gonna do is solve all the questions i write in this page.

#Q1. Write a program to print "harry" five times?
a = 0
while a<5:


for i in range(5):
if i < 5:


#Q2. Write a program to print the content of a list using while loop.
a = 0
while a<len(l):
a = a+1


#Q3. Write a program to printy infinite loop by while.

'''a = 0
while a==a:
a = a+1
a = 0
for i in a:
a = a+1


#Q4. Print the table of any number using while loop.
n = int(input("Enter the number = "))
a = 1
while a<11:


#Q5. Print the table of any numbner using the for loop.
n = int(input("Enter the number = "))
for i in range(1,11):

#Q6. Write a progam to find trhe the number is prime or not.
n = int(input("Ente rthe numbner = "))
for i in range(2,n):
if n%i==0:
print("it is not prime")
print("it is prime")

#Q7. Write a program to find the sum of 1st n natural number by using for loop.
n = int(input("Enter the number = "))
a = 0
for i in range(1,n+1):
a = i+a

#Q8. Write a program to find factorial of given number using for loop.
n = int(input("Enter the number = "))
a = 1
for i in range(1,n+1):
a = i*a


#Q9. Write a following to print the following pattern.


for i in range(4):


#Q10. Write a program to find the greatest number entered by user.
n1 = int(input("Enter the number = "))
n2 = int(input("Enter the number = "))
n3 = int(input("Enter the number = "))

if n1>n2 and n1>n3:
print("This Number Is Greater",n1)
elif n2>n3 and n2>n1:
print("This Number Is Greater",n2)
print("This Number Is Greater",n3)


#Q11. Write a program to find out wheather a student is pass or fail is require
# totl 40% and at least 33% in
# each subject to pass input from user 5 subject are there.

n1 = int(input("Enter The NUmber = "))
n2 = int(input("Enter The NUmber = "))
n3 = int(input("Enter The NUmber = "))
n4 = int(input("Enter The NUmber = "))
n5 = int(input("Enter The NUmber = "))

sum = n1+n2+n3+n4+n5
num = (sum/500)*100

if num<33:


#Q12. A span comment is defined as text contining following keywords.

txt = input("Enter The Statement = \n")
if "win cash" in txt:
print("This Is a Spam")
elif "lucky" in txt:
print("This Is a Spam")
elif "get money" in txt:
print("This Is a Spam")
print("this is not span your are safe")

#Q13. Write a program to find wheather the given user contain less than 10 characters.
t = input("Enter The NUmber = ")
if len(t)== 10:
print("this number has 10 digits ",t)
print("You made a error")

#Q14. Write down the program that find the name is in given list or not.
l = ["aryan",'diya']
n = input("Enetr the name = ")
if n in l:
print("yes it is presnet in the list",n)
print("no it is not in list")


#Q15. Write a program to calculate the grade of student from his marks.
num = int(input("Enetr The NUmber = "))
if num>=90:
print("your are first")
elif num>=80:
print("You are second")
elif num>=70:
print("your are third")
elif num>=60:
print("your get 1st division")
elif num>=50:
print("you get 2nd division")
elif num>=40:
print("you will Pass")
print("you will Fail")


#Q16. Write a program to find that wheather a post is talk about harry or not.
t = input("Enter the post = ")
if "Harry" in t:
print("Ths post is talk about harry")
elif "harry" in t:
print("Ths post is talk about harry")
elif "hArry" in t:
print("Ths post is talk about harry")
elif "haRRY" in t:
print("Ths post is talk about harry")
elif "HARRY" in t:
print("Ths post is talk about harry")
print("Ths post is not talk about harry")


#Q17. Wirte a program to find out the remainder when divided by 2.
n = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
d = n/2
print("the remainder is = ",d)


#Q18. Check the type of varibale assinged to the varible using the input fuction.
a = int(input("Enter the variable = "))
b = str(input("Enter the variable = "))
c = float(input("Enter the variable = "))


#Q19. Write a program to find the average of two numbers entered by the users.
num1 = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
num2 = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
average = num1+num2/2


#Q20. Write a program to find the square entered by user.
num = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
sq = num**2


#Q21. Write a program to entered name of folloed by good morning using input function.
name = input("Enter The Name = ")
print("Good Morning",name)

#Q22. Write a porgram to enter fill letter template name and date.
name = input("Enter The Name = ")
date = input("Enter The Name = ")
l =
The Pricncipal
Dear Sir
repectfully i beg to say that i am suffering from a
viral fever so i requested you to give me a leave for 2 days

Your Obediently

l = l.replace("<|Name|>",name)
l = l.replace("<|Date|>",date)


#Q22. Write a program to store seven fruits in a list entered by user.
f1 = input("enter the fruit name = ")
f2 = input("enter the fruit name = ")
f3 = input("enter the fruit name = ")
f4 = input("enter the fruit name = ")
f5 = input("enter the fruit name = ")
f6 = input("enter the fruit name = ")

l = [f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6]

#Q23. Write a program to accept the number of 6 student and display in sorted manner.
s1 = input("Enter the number of 1 = ")
s2 = input("Enter the number of 2 = ")
s3 = input("Enter the number of 3 = ")
s4 = input("Enter the number of 4 = ")
s5 = input("Enter the number of 5 = ")
s6 = input("Enter the number of 6 = ")

st = [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6]


#Q24. Check that tuple cannoy change in python.
t = (1,2,3)
t[0] = 20


#Q25. Write a program to sum the list and list contain 4 variable.
a = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
b = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
c = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
d = int(input("Enter The Number = "))

l = [a,b,c,d]
sum = sum(l)


#Q26. Write s progrsm hoe msny zeros in a program.
l = [1,0,8,0,909,0,908,8,0,]
a = l.count(0)


#Q27. Write a program to print english to print english the of land words entered by user.
#Q28. write a program to input eight no. with all have unique and print it.
n1 = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
n2 = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
n3 = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
n4 = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
n5 = int(input("Enter The Number = "))
n6 = int(input("Enter The Number = "))

s = {n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6}


#Q28. Can we have with 18 int and 18 str as value.


#Q29. What is the syntax of empty sets.
a = (())


#Q30. Write a program to create a dictionary allow 4 friend to enetr the value
# as language and use vaccum keys all names are different.
f1 = input("Enter The aj = ")
f2 = input("Enter The pk = ")
f3 = input("Enter The kj = ")
f4 = input("Enter The pe = ")

d = {


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

October 13, 2021

[200 MB] How To Get Moto Gp Game on Your Andriod Smartphone | How To Install Moto GP in Andriod

 Moto GP

Moto Gp is a Bike racing game designed and developed by Bandai Namco, motorcycle racing game that keeps you on the track and focused on what wins races, TIMING! ... Race as your favorite rider and join them on the podium of the Fan World Championship, or customize your own bike and challenge your friends with the highest scores.

This is the best Moto Gp game for Andriod Which I provided to you in very little MB hope You Like The Game

For more Games Visit our 👉Blog👈

For more Games Visit our 👉Youtube Channel👈

Thanks For Coming 😁

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Thursday, August 19, 2021

August 19, 2021

GTA Vice City For Andriod


The Whole City of GTA Vice City is based in Florida, United States  Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective. The player controls criminal Tommy Vercetti and completes missions linear scenarios with set objectives—to progress through the story. The islands are unlocked for the player as the story progresses.

if you like the game then you can subscribe to our youtube channel for more gaming videos.

For more Games Visit our 👉Blog👈

For more Games Visit our 👉Youtube Channel👈

Thanks For Coming 😁

Thursday, August 5, 2021

August 05, 2021

The Amazing Spiderman 2 Game For Andriod

The Amazing Spiderman 2 For Andriod

Spiderman games are popular in the entire world and every kind of person wanted to play this game but most of them cannot own a powerful pc to run the game so today I gave you a solution 
the solution is that I provide you the amazing spiderman 2 for your android smartphone for free.

Game Faetures
  • It is an open-world game.
  • This game covers the entire movie of Amazing spiderman.
  • The whole game is based on the entire new york city.

This game is incredible and if you cannot play I request you to try this game I hope you love the game

Thank you For Coming👃

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

July 27, 2021

Minecraft For Andriod

More About Minecraft

when we talk about Minecraft it is the Sandbox game Developed by a Swedish Game Developer Mojang Studious you can make this game as you like you can customize everything in the game that things make this game more interesting and open your mind and creativity  This game is played by one of the Famous Gaming Youtuber Techno Gamerz.

Features Of Minecraft.
You Can Generate a Game World As You Like.
You Fell Like a Game Developer.
You Can Make Anything Even a Whole Map Or a city.
You Can Make Car, Bikes, Animals, Building, etc.  

This game is incredible and if you cannot play I request you to try this game I hope you love the game.

Thank you For Coming👃